Climate in Crisis

We will not solve the climate crisis with the same people and thinking that caused it."

~Clover Hogan

We can solve the climate crisis. We already know how to do it. But we need enforceable global laws.



Unfortunately, enforceable laws only exist within nation-states. The rule among nations is anarchy and competition. Serious competition. Especially for resources. Under such circumstances, why would any one country take actions that might put itself at a competitive disadvantage? They wouldn't, and they don't. 

This is why we cannot get any serious enforceable agreements on preventing further climate change. And the agreements we do get are often not met or ignored entirely. Treaties do not work.

We desperately need supranational, enforceable laws and we need them now. And for that, we need a democratic World Federation.

The thing about the climate crisis is that we know how to halt it - we just don't have a global authority to execute the policies. 

And we know that neither the UN, nor governments, nor businesses is going to solve the climate crisis. We know this for certain because they've known about the climate crisis for decades, and they have known what the solutions are, and they have not even scratched the surface. We are, in fact, continuing to move in the wrong direction.

This is why we must act.

We often feel helpless to do anything, but we must take responsibility. We must make radical change. We can, and we must. 

Organized, and acting in concert, this change will happen.


Working together, we can build the largest movement in human history 


We are going to need everyone.  please join now.